Saturday, March 18, 2006

I got the answer for my previous question. See those damn white rims? Yeah, that's why I'm battling them jobs. Need those dough. And that's not all, gotta prove my point that I'm damn hell independent. I don't wanna be some whack-ass living off my parents. Even got myself an allowance cut. Well, that's how life works aye? You work upwards, not downwards. Still, you gotta give it to Manoj, damn man. He's doing it way better. Mon-Fri 9-5, then its Fri-Sun at NAB. WTF!?!?!

Thumbs up for you bro. No wonder you look so shaq everytime. Rezpect.

Anyways, time for me to run. Blog on laters, will be picking mom and pops at the airport around 8pm. I hate driving that Odessey. Haha...

